So, you want your voice to sound different?

The reasons people like you come to voice coaching are many, but the essential guiding force is the desire for one’s voice to sound different than it does.

Something feels stuck, uneasy, unpleasant, disappointing, uncomfortable, or just not right.

And so you reach out with the hopes of finding change. 
You seek more freedom, ease, authenticity, beauty, character, style... you want to find your voice. 
Sounds that feel true to who you are.

In my estimation it is one of the most noble efforts. The path of self discovery through voice work can create truly significant shifts, not only in the voice but in the life of the singer. I sincerely believe that when you create change in your voice, you inevitably create change in the whole of your life.

True change, or sounding different, while desirable, is never easy. In fact it’s disruptive and difficult. 
Often surprising. Not like you imagined.
Worthwhile? Yes! 
Liberating? You bet your ass. 
But, generally hard.

Why? Because you know how to do what you’re doing. 

You know how to sing how you sing, but if I actually show you how to create change with your voice, you will need to let go of that knowing and that will likely confuse the whole system.

“If I don’t sound like that… what DO I sound like?”
“If I’m not who I thought I was… who am I?”

It is not uncommon for someone to come to this work and shortly after beginning it, find themselves leaving their job, ending a relationship, feeling a spiritual awakening, moving, or questioning family systems.

Of course that’s not everyone, and I certainly don’t expect it, but it happens often enough that now I just sort of chuckle when a client shares with me the big change they’ve decided to embark upon on in their life.

It’s not just the singing, but the singing is often the catalyst for the change in the whole.

When your voice sounds different, and it’s not like you expected, it can alert you to new possibilities that you’d never even considered… with the caveat that your first reaction likely won’t be to like the new sound.

“What was that?”
“Was that good?”
“That sounds weird.”

Rarely are these new sounds initially likable, but often they feel freer, easier and like less work.

And that’s true of life, right?

So often we become encumbered in system or way of being that is a hell of a lot of work. And we endure, because, we think that’s just the way things are. Until one day, one experience… or a series of experiences alerts us to the fact that maybe things don’t have to be like this. And if we’re brave, we make a change. The change might feel like a big mistake at first. Awkward and confusing, but once things settle in we can often say with confidence… 

“Oh, this is easier.” 
“Why did I stay in that situation for so long?”
“I get it now!”

And so, when you come to voice coaching and you want change, be prepared to not only make new sounds, but to potentially disrupt your life. Be prepared to to open up the door to something disorienting, thrilling and rewarding.

Weirder and easier. 
Uncomfortable and transformative.
Uncertain, and liberating.

Get ready for your whole life to really sing.


Want to sound better when you sing? Smile! Seriously.


Telling your voice story to let it go