Want to sound better when you sing? Smile! Seriously.

Look, I realize I often make big claims about singing being healing and transformation (which I stand by!) but let me share with you one small way which you can improve the sound of your voice and also level up your life.

Yesterday, I was working with a client on some of the technical aspects of her voice and I reminded her that smiling is an important part of making a good sound. That might seem simple or silly, but it's true.

You can try it right now.

Sing an "Ah" vowel with a sad face. 🙁
Now, sing an "Ah" vowel again with a smile on your face. 😄

Notice how this changes the sound. The smilier sound is brighter, clearer and has more vitality and life in it. Just picture Whitney Houston singing "And I will always love you!"

Whitney Houston smiling when she is singing I will always love you davin youngs voice coach

I mean, if it's good enough for Whitney, then it better be good enough for us... right?

But here's what's up with this smile when you sing thing... it doesn't just make you sound better, it makes you feel better. Science has linked smiling to the release of endorphins, dopamine and oxytocin. ALL of the feel good hormones and the crazy part is, the smile doesn't even have to be genuine? What's wild is that it can be fake an elicit a similar hormonal response... which generally leads to it becoming real. There's something in just moving your mouth in this way.

You probably know that singing feels good, but this is just one of many reasons why.

Don't even get me started on the vibrational aspect of making sound.

So, why might it be important… even practical for you to work on your voice?

Because it WILL make you happier. It's GUARANTEED!

And you know what happens to happier people?

They feel more free.
They trust more in the possibilities of their future.
They break free of old stories and narratives that have been holding them down.
They aren't governed by fear.
They let themselves really, really sing... because they know it has a positive impact on all of creation.


So, you want your voice to sound different?